In 1963, FKIP and the Teacher Training Institute (under the Ministry of Education) were merged into the Teacher Training and Education Institute (IKIP), and the Faculty of Literature and Arts Teacher Training (FKSS) was de facto one of its faculties. However, FKSS was officially recognized in 1964 through the Instruction of the Minister of Higher Education and Science No. 128 of 1964 which had 4 (four) departments and 2 (two) sections.
In line with the development of the times, in 1965 the sections under the Department of Indonesian Language and Literature Education and the Department of Foreign Language Education were changed into departments as stipulated by the Instruction of the Minister of PTIP No. 5 of 1965 concerning the Implementation of the State Teachers' Training College Curriculum. In that year, the Japanese Language Education Department was also inaugurated. After that, in 1975 the French Language Education Department was also established by managing academy level education and in 1979 managing undergraduate level education.
With the enactment of Government Regulation No. 5 of 1980 and the issuance of Presidential Decree No. 48 of 1982, the Faculty of Literature and Arts Teacher Training (FKSS) was changed to the Faculty of Language and Arts Education (FPBS) as stated in the Decree of the Rector of IKIP Bandung No. 302/PT.25.R/E/1983 dated January 24, 1983. This faculty fosters 6 (six) Departments and 8 (eight) Education Programs. Gradually the D3, D2, and D1 levels were finally closed so that in 1991 FPBS only managed the S1 level.
The change of IKIP Bandung to UPI based on Presidential Decree Number 124 of 1999 has implications for changes in the FPBS institution, especially in welcoming the process of developing and expanding the role (wider mandate) college. In relation to this, in 1999 FPBS opened the Indonesian Language and Literature Non-Education Study Program S1 and the English Language and Literature Non-Education Study Program S1 based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education Number 283/Dikti/Kep/1999.
In the era of the change of PTN into a State-Owned Legal Entity (BHMN), especially when UPI changed into PT BHMN based on PP No. 6 of 2004, in 2007 the German, Arabic, Japanese, and French Language Education Study Programs which were part of the Foreign Language Education Department were developed into independent departments so that their names changed to the German Language Education Department, the Japanese Language Education Department, and the French Language Education Department. In addition to the Foreign Language Education Department, the Sendratasik Education Department (Drama, Dance, and Music Arts) also experienced the same change to Music Arts Education and Dance Arts Education Department. Until 2014, FPBS UPI developed educational disciplines and educational disciplines at the S1 level which were in 10 Departments and 12 Study Programs.
In line with the development of UPI institutions in creating Good University Governance, in December 2014 the Faculty of Language and Arts Education gave birth to a new faculty which was the embryo of the Arts Education Study Program (Dance, Music, and Visual). The new faculty was named the Faculty of Arts and Design Education (FPSD). The Faculty of Language and Arts Education itself based on the Rector's regulation changed to the Faculty of Language and Literature Education. Along with the expansion of the Faculty of Language and Arts Education into the Faculty of Language and Literature Education and the Faculty of Arts and Design Education (FPSD), FPBS also opened a new study program, namely the Korean Language Education Study Program.